Washington State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

Deafies in Drag Logo

Entertainers: Selena Minoque & Casavina
Friday, October 4th • 8:00—10:00 PM
Held in Snoqualmie Room 1 & 2

WE ARE SO EXCITED! Deafies in Drag will be our Friday night entertainment at conference! If you who have already registered for the full conference or for Friday only, your admission to Deafies in Drag is ALREADY INCLUDED. To register for conference, please visit wsrid.com/conference. For stand-alone tickets to Deafies in Drag, CLICK HERE.

Description: The Deafies in Drag show features the Deaf, Latinx, and queer drag queens, Selena Minogue and Casavina. This fabulous comedic duo have been performing and creating shows for Youtube and Facebook since 2015. Their show talks about Deaf people's struggles, language barriers, and strives to educate about the life of the Deaf community through comedy.

Link to Deafies in Drag

About Deafies in Drag

Selena Minogue and Casavina are two Deaf Latinx drag queens that make up the deaf comedy duo, Deafies in Drag. They met at the only deaf university in the whole world, Gallaudet University, and fell in love with each other. They discovered that they had a lot of common interests such as filming, acting, art, and drag. They started posting videos making fun of their deaf experiences… but they soon discovered the positive, inclusive impact their work had for the Deaf community and started to use their platform to educate others on the life of the Deaf.

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