Washington State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf


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  • 28 Sep 2024 6:02 PM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)

    Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

    RESCHEDULED from October 14th to October 16th.


    We are rescheduling the Workgroup Kickoff Meeting that was on October 14th from 3:30 to 5:30 pm due to the day being Indigenous Peoples’ Day. This is the day to acknowledge and honor Native Americans.

    Out of respect, the meeting will now be taking place on October 16th from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Please register here.

    If you have any questions or concerns with the registration process, please contact Morgan Jericho at morgan.jericho@dshs.wa.gov.

    Thank you!

    Morgan Jericho, MA
    Management Analyst
    Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH)
    Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA)
    Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)

    Previous message:

    UPDATE FROM ODHH about the Interpreter Shortage Workgroup Efforts


    Hello Community Partners,

    My name is Earnest Covington, III, and I am the Director of the Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Aging and Long-Term Support Administration of the Department of Social and Health Services. We want to update you on the status of the HB 2221 workgroup project, the Interpreter Shortage Resolution Taskforce.

    The taskforce is expected to provide a legislative report to the Governor’s Office in June 2025. This report will detail the systemic barriers experienced by Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing communities and will provide a comprehensive analysis of sign language interpreter services in public, private, and community settings in Washington State.

    DSHS and our community partners have been conducting intensive interviews to fill the program coordinator position leading this taskforce. We thank you for your participation in the interview process. Unfortunately, DSHS is currently unable to hire for the role.

    The Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has appointed Morgan Jericho, Management Analyst 4, to lead and facilitate the taskforce meetings, monitor program activities, and support the data collection process. Morgan, who has worked with the Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing since 2023, supports multiple initiatives, including healthcare access, case management services, and legislative advocacy. You may have seen him working with community partners and leaders in the Washington State Association of the Deaf and the DeafBlind community, supporting the WSAD 2024 conference, ODHH expo, and other community events. His ongoing advocacy with medical interpreting issues will be incorporated into the taskforce.

    The Program Coordinator position has been reposted. The person in this role will support Morgan in this initiative. Please see the job posting here.

    Morgan will collaborate with you, and community members and leaders throughout Washington state, to support the Interpreter Shortage Resolution Taskforce. He will lead this project through completion in collaboration with taskforce members, the contracted research firm, and with legislative support to develop a report of systemic challenges and proposed solutions.

    The first public taskforce session is scheduled from 3:30-5:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 14, 2024, on Zoom. Please join us. Registration is required. LINK HERE.

    Register for the public meeting at this link above, or email Morgan at morgan.jericho@dshs.wa.gov for more information.

  • 06 Sep 2024 8:50 AM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)


    The following board positions are open for nominations for the upcoming terms starting January 1, 2025:

    • President [two year term]: must be a certified member
    • Secretary [two year term]: can be a certified or associate member
    • Treasurer [one year remaining of two year term]: can be a certified or associate member
    • Director [two year term]: can be a certified or an associate member
    • Director [one year remaining of two year term]: can be a certified or an associate member
    • Student Director [one year term]: must be in their final year of an ITP and have been a member of WSRID for at least 60 days prior

    If you would like to nominate someone (even yourself!) for any of the above positions, please submit their name via the simple Nominations Form.

    If the nominee is eligible, we will ask them if they accept the nomination. After accepting, we will request a photo, short bio, and a statement regarding their desire to serve on the board.

    Nominations are due by September 19. But there's no need to wait! Help us build a strong future for WSRID.

  • 29 Jul 2024 11:14 AM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)

    Call for Nominations for October Elections 

    It's now time to submit nominations for the 2025-2026 board!!   WSRID will host our Annual Meeting on Saturday October 26, 10a - 12p.  Elections and any motions will be conducted by online ballot during October.  

    Please send nominations for board, and for membership awards, as well as any proposed motions, to wsridnominations@gmail.com by September 1, 2024. 

    The following positions are open for nominations for the January 2025 - December 2026 Board Term.  Details on the election can be found here October 2024 Election Information

    • President [two year term]: must be a certified member

    • Secretary [two year term]: can be a certified or associate member

    • Treasurer [vacancy - one year term (2025)]: can be a certified or associate member

    • Three Directors [two year term]: can be a certified or associate member

    • One Director [vacancy - one year term (2025)]: can be a certified or associate member 

    • Student Director [one year term (2025)]: must be in final year of an ITP and have been a member of WSRID for at least 60 days 

    Nominations are also open for two awards.  Awardees are selected by the board. Details on the awards can be found on our website at https://wsrid.com/Award

    • Judie Husted Member of the Year 

    • Theresa B Smith Distinguished Service Award

  • 13 Feb 2024 12:22 PM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)

    Greetings WSRID members,

    In January, the Board members of WSRID agreed to sign a Joint letter of support for HB2221.  The goals of HB2221 directly align with WSRID's Mission, and we are currently considering how our organization will continue to support this work moving forward.  Here is a copy of the letter:


    Community Coalition for WA Interpreters

    Jan 5, 2024

    Washington State Legislature

    Attn: Representatives and Senators 

    Olympia, WA 

    Subject: Joint Letter of Support for Community Efforts to Address the Statewide Interpreter Shortage

    Dear Washington State Legislature,

    We, the undersigned organizations, collectively express our unwavering support for the community-led initiatives aimed at addressing the critical statewide shortage of American Sign Language and ProTactile Interpreters in Washington State.

    As representatives of diverse organizations committed to promoting inclusivity, accessibility, and equitable opportunities for individuals who are Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing, we recognize the urgency of addressing the challenges faced by our community members in accessing essential services, education, employment, and cultural experiences.

    The proposed one-time statewide study, designed to identify the pressing needs for more sign language interpreters, aligns seamlessly with our shared mission and values. This comprehensive study will play a pivotal role in understanding the current landscape, identifying areas of high demand, and formulating strategies to enhance interpreter services throughout the state.

    The impact of the interpreter shortage on our community is profound, affecting every aspect of life. From educational settings to healthcare, legal contexts, workplace interactions, and cultural events, the absence of adequate interpretation services creates barriers that hinder full participation in society.

    We commend the dedication and foresight of the community advocates driving this initiative and recognize the importance of collaboration between multiple organizations, legislators, and other stakeholders to address this pressing issue. Our joint commitment to this cause reflects our shared belief that the proposed study will pave the way for informed decision-making and positive change.

    We, the undersigned organizations, stand firmly in support of these collective efforts and believe that collaboration is essential to create a more inclusive and accessible environment for all residents of Washington State. By working together, we can foster a community where language barriers no longer impede the pursuit of education, healthcare, employment, and cultural engagement.

    Thank you for your commitment to this cause, and we look forward to witnessing the positive impact that our joint efforts will bring to our community.


    API CHAYA, Seattle, WA 

    Deaf Spotlight, Seattle, WA 

    DeafBlind Service Center (DBSC) Seattle, WA 

    Hands and Voices, Seattle, WA 

    Hearing Loss Association of America-Washington State Association (HLAA-WA), WA

    Hearing, Speech and Deaf Center (HSDC), Seattle/Bellingham/Tacoma, WA 

    Manos de Washington, WA 

    Puget Sound Association for the Deaf (PSAD), Seattle, WA 

    The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc., Seattle, WA

    Washington State Association of the Deaf (WSAD), WA

    Washington State DeafBlind Citizens (WSDBC), Seattle, WA 

    Washington State Registry of the Interpreters for the Deaf (WSRID), Seattle, WA

    More to come…

  • 14 Oct 2023 7:04 AM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)

    Sharing, from the community:

    Our first BIPOC sign language interpreter meeting is coming soon. Please join us if you are a BIPOC sign language interpreter in the PNW. We will be discussing issues within our industry and ways to change them.

    When: Saturday, December 2, 2023

    Time: 10AM PST - 12PM PST

    Where: Zoom

    Topic: BIPOC Interpreter Meeting

    Time: Dec 2, 2023 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    More information available from Good Signs Interpreting.

  • 11 Oct 2023 10:34 AM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)

    Hello members!  We hope you are enjoying the transition of seasons and are getting excited for the Annual Membership Meeting happening on Saturday November 4th!  

    This year’s meeting will be hybrid, held on site at Central Washington University, and virtually via Zoom.  Registration is now live on our website, so please let us know how you plan to attend.  The annual membership meeting is a great opportunity for all members to learn more about the organization, to provide feedback and share ideas about the future work, and to meet and reconnect with other members!  We will send out more info soon regarding the agenda and elections.  Register today! 

    Our meeting will be taking place in conjunction with the WSAD conference.  WSAD has graciously invited us to share this space.  We will all have lunch together at noon before the meetings begin. 

    We are also honored to be one of the WSAD conference sponsors and encourage our members to attend, learn, and reconnect.  More info about the conference and registration can be found on WSAD's website.

    We are also seeking volunteers to help us with the annual meeting.  Please let us know if you can help!   

    -WSRID Board of Directors.


  • 29 Sep 2023 11:25 AM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)

    Hello Interpreters,

    A2Z Interpreting in Spokane, WA is partnering with The Insightful Interpreter and ODHH to offer two FREE workshops in Spokane in October 2023. 

    Workshop and registration info can be found in attachments below:

    FINAL 10-14-23 workshop flyer Deaf and Hearing Interpreting Teams_ The Relationship and the Work.pdf

    FINAL 10-28-23 workshop flyer Deaf and Hearing Interpreting Teams Communication and Accountability.pdf

  • 15 Jun 2023 3:19 PM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)

    Webinar Registration

    The Washington States Court Interpreter Program is holding an Introduction Court Interpreting information session. At this session, you will learn: 
    • Why court interpreter are so important to the justice system.
    • What it's like to be a court interpreter. 
    • The process to become a credentialed court interpreter. 
    • The knowledge, skills and abilities of court interpreter. 
    During the webinar there will be a discussion on court interpreting and you will be able ask credentialed interpreters questions. This webinar is for both spoken language and sign language interpreters. 

    Wednesday, June 21 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM


    American Sign Language interpretation and captioning will be provided.

    For accommodation requests, please contact James Wells at James.Wells@courts.wa.gov. 

    Registration Link: Introduction to Court Interpreting: Speaking the Language of Justice (alchemer.com)

  • 09 Jun 2023 9:15 AM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)

    Annual Membership Meeting

    Please SAVE THE DATE for our Annual Membership Meeting which will be held on Saturday, November 4th at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, WA.

    Board Vacancy/Election

    The Board is now seeking nominations for members to join the WSRID Board of Directors to fill a vacant position and also for the upcoming election.

    • Who would you like to have representing you in your state interpreting organization?
    • Who do you know who has some time and energy to give towards engaging the membership and community, and shaping the organization as we move forward?

    Representation from Eastern Washington is highly desired!


    Our board currently has eight (8) members, and our Bylaws state the number of board members will be "at least nine (9), but not more than twelve (12)". There is one vacancy for a term ending December 31, 2023. As directed by the Bylaws, this position will be elected by the current Board from nominations received from members.


    We will again be holding our election online this fall. This is an early call for nominations! The positions that will expire at the end of 2023 are: Vice President, Treasurer, Deaf/DeafBlind Community Representative, three Director positions, and one Student Director position.

    SUBMIT NOMINATIONS (<---click here)

  • 09 Jun 2023 8:38 AM | Anna Mansell-Karagiannis President (Administrator)

    Committee Reports

    The board has reviewed our committees and focused committee work to meet our goals and needs. Current Committees are as follows: Budget/Finance, CMP, Communications, Conference 2025, Community Outreach, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Governance, Membership, Professional Development, Scholarship.

    All of our committee work needs some level of member involvement. Whether you have a few hours for a one-time project, or a few hours a month for something bigger; Whether you like working with others or getting things done on your own time; Whether you’re visionary or detail driven; Whether you love working with numbers or people… Whatever your interests or inclinations - we have a place for you to plug in! Curious? Please reach out! 

    Below are a few current announcements. More info from all committees will be coming in the next month or so. Recent committee reports.

    Community Outreach Committee

    Interpreter Social, June 28th, 6-9 pm at Optimism Brewery, Seattle. 

    Spring Scholarship

    Thank you to all who applied for the Spring Performance Exam Scholarship. We have contacted applicants and are excited for the opportunity to support our colleagues on their journey to certification.

    We will begin accepting applications for the Fall Scholarship in August. Please visit the WSRID Scholarship page for more information.

    Certification Maintenance Program Sponsorship

    WSRID was recently approved as an RID CMP Sponsor. Big thank you to Ashley Cavallaro who will be functioning as our administrator. We are working on developing our systems and plans, and will be ready to share more information with our members soon. If you’re interested in being involved with this work, please email Ashley Cavallaro, CMP Administrator.

    Governance Committee

    Seeking members interested in discussing Sociocracy as a governance model for WSRID - as recommended in Ritchie Bryant’s 2020 DEI Recommendations Report. Looking to find at least one long time member and at least one member familiar with Sociocracy. If interested, please email WSRID Secretary, Claudia Kienholz.

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