Washington State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf


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  • 23 Feb 2021 8:22 AM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    Christine Nakahara, Taiwo Olopade, and Audrey Ramirez-Loudenback are conducting a research survey under Western Oregon University. They will be focusing on the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) who are sign language interpreters. Their goal is to gather data to document the experiences of BIPOC interpreters in our field. 

    At the end of their study, they hope to disseminate the information to our field and provide a foundation for future research. If you identify as a BIPOC interpreter, they hope that you will consider participating by filling out their survey. 

    If there are other BIPOC interpreters who you know would be interested, please feel free to share the links below.

    Thank you for your time and support.

    Christine, Taiwo, and Audrey

  • 29 Jan 2021 3:30 PM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)
    January 2021


    My name is Anna Mansell Karagiannis, and I am honored to introduce myself as the new president of WSRID. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to serve in this role, and I’m even more excited to meet and connect with all of you while doing so. January has passed in what feels like the blink of an eye, and so much has happened. I miss you, yes you, and you- and you too! I hope that as we welcome the new year, each of you are safe, warm, and able to connect with loved ones in a way that serves you.

    Each of us has been touched by the events of 2020 in different and profound ways. As individuals and as communities, we have faced unimaginable challenges, dealt with more loss and grief than we knew we were capable of, and celebrated moments big and small in ways we never thought we would. As we enter into the new year, many of us do so with hope for what will come, while also recognizing the uncertainties that remain. Despite the difficulties we have endured and the questions still unanswered, I find myself still determined to be not only a realist, but also an optimist. Part of my optimism comes from my belief that our organization holds great potential to better serve the current and future members and stakeholders of our communities. I hope you will join me and the Board in making that a reality.

    With the goal of sharing more information and helping us all feel a little more connected, I will be sending out monthly announcement emails. The content may vary, but you can expect information regarding needs for help on special projects and committees, updates on board meeting discussions and decisions, quarterly financial statements, event announcements, community news, and more. If you’d like to contribute content or if there are things you want to know more about or have questions regarding, please email me and let me know. 

    For this month's edition of “What’s up WSRID,” please continue scrolling. You can also use the navigation tabs on the side of this document to jump to specific topics. Happy reading!

    Stay safe, healthy, and if at all possible, find a way to practice at least a little self care today. You deserve it. 

    With gratitude, 
    Anna Mansell Karagiannis
    WSRID President 2021-2022

    Board Appointments

    Welcome to the Team!

    As we begin our work in 2021, we welcome one new board member, Claudia Kienholz, into her role as Director for 2021-2022, and congratulate Kristin Deverin on accepting the appointment of Vice President for 2021. 


    I would also like to give a big thank you to Caroline Allen for her service as WSRID President from 2019-2020, and to Paul Glaser for serving as our former Immediate Past President. Caroline and Paul have both served for many years and in various positions on the board, and dedicated countless hours, energy and heart to the organization. Caroline will continue to serve on the board as our Immediate Past President for 2021-2022, and Paul continues to serve our profession nationally as the Vice President of RID.

    To find updated contact information for our full board of directors, please view the WSRID Board page.

    Board Meetings

    Board meetings will take place on the second Wednesday of every month from 6:00pm–8:30pm, online via zoom (unless otherwise posted).

    In addition to the discussion of regular business, we will have time set aside for a monthly policy review, quarterly financial summary, and 30 minutes per month dedicated to a “Community Corner” session. We envision this to be an opportunity for a guest from another organization or agency to share news and information about their work, or for members to share announcements and news. If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please let us know.

    2021 Board Retreat & Annual Goals

    The WSRID Board met for our annual retreat January 8th–10th, virtually, via zoom. It was the first time in a long time that our plans were not impacted by the weather. Over the course of three days together we reviewed policy, revised the budget for the remainder of the current fiscal year, and spent countless hours brainstorming how to help WSRID grow into an organization that better serves the needs of our diverse communities. As a result of our discussions, we have identified four key goals for 2021:

    Goal #1: Redesign WSRID’s infrastructure documents to be clear, relevant, easy to follow, and reflective of the needs of our current and potential members.

    Goal #2: Improve communication and transparency to members and community stakeholders regarding WSRID’s essential functions and happenings as well as the board’s focus on a DEI action plan.

    Goal #3: Prioritize partnerships and collaborations with organizations and individuals within our communities.

    Goal #4: Invest in programs and projects that help enhance the value of WSRID membership.

    We have committed to prioritizing the recommendations brought to us by our consultant, Ritchie Bryant, last fall, which are focused on making WSRID a more inclusive organization. We will be gathering feedback and sharing more information about the report, as well as our plans and ideas at the virtual Town Hall meeting on February 20th. More info about this event is available on the website.

    Upcoming Events

    We are kicking 2021 off with two information sessions.

    Legislative Committee Town Hall

    Saturday, January 30, 2021
    10:00am–11:00am via Zoom
    Hosted by: Whitney Hill

    This event is designed to inform members of the legislative process and to examine any upcoming bills set to be heard in the 2021 legislative session.

    Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
    Proposal Review and Town Hall Meeting

    Saturday, February 20, 2021
    10:00am–12:00pm via Zoom
    Hosted by the WSRID Board

    The purpose of this meeting is to share details of the report received from Ritchie Bryant in October 2020 with the membership, to offer suggestions for how to accomplish this work, and gather feedback and input from interested members. We anticipate this will be the first of several meetings to address how WSRID can grow to become a more inclusive organization – better serving the diverse people in our communities.


    Financial Report

    The board is committed to sending out regular quarterly financial reports to the membership. If you have questions or want to learn more about the organization's financials, please contact our treasurer, Paula Bazinet.

    Financial Report (Q1-Q2)

    Thank you to everyone who has renewed their membership for 2021! If you have not done so yet, please hop online and log in to update your account.

    If you are unable to renew your membership at this time because of hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact the membership coordinator. We have not received any information from people regarding this being an issue, but if it is, we want to know.

    COVID-19 Vaccine Information

    We know a lot of you are still wondering how or if you can get the COVID-19 vaccine. On December 17th, RID co-signed a letter to the CDC urging that medical interpreters be considered amongst those in phase 1 to receive the vaccines. WSRID contacted the community representative for the WA State Coronavirus Response to echo that sentiment as well. The rollout thus far has been heavily state driven, with hospitals managing the bulk of the scheduling. It seems that WA is shifting gears a bit with the opening of the Phase Finder website. Needless to say, there has been information coming from many different sources, and it changes daily. Here’s what we know:

    Contact the agencies you contract with – any agency with a medical contract should have a direct link to the hospitals and be able to guide you on how to get the vaccine, or share info regarding when it will be available for you. 

    Washington State Phase Finder is up and running. We have seen several agencies inform their contractors that if you interpret in a medical setting or a setting that puts you at high risk for contracting or spreading the virus, you qualify in the 1a group for receiving the vaccine. Things are changing daily, so check this link for more info and to register: Phase Finder

    Contact your primary care physician to ask them if the COVID-19 vaccine is right for you and if they can refer you to a hospital to get one. Many clinics have been sending messages related to the vaccines to patients via “My Chart” or other electronic messaging systems – this might be a good option if you are not having any luck with the agencies or Phase Finder.

    Keep doing what we have been doing. Please continue to follow the state guidelines regarding wearing masks, physical distancing, hand washing, and staying home when you are sick. 

    If you have more information regarding how interpreters across the state can get the COVID-19 vaccine, please let us know and we can share that through email and online.

    Region V (RV) Announcements

    RID Region Five consists of the following states: 

    Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. 

    Our current RV representative is our very own, Krystal Sanders (WA State resident, CDI).

    As an affiliate chapter member of Region V, you may be eligible for free or discounted registration at events being offered by other Region V affiliate chapters. Due to the constraints of COVID-19, many AC’s have moved to hosting trainings online, which make them more accessible for out of state interpreters than ever before. 

    To check out our AC websites and learn more, visit RID Region V's webpage.

    Free Mini workshops being offered from Idaho RID.

    Hawaii RID mourns the loss of beloved interpreter, Patty Sakal, to COVID-19.

  • 13 Aug 2019 5:54 AM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    The ACA has a requirement that hospitals must give primary consideration to the accommodation requested by the person who is Deaf. This blog and the attached vlog are informational but not meant to be legal advice or replace discussing your situation with a licensed attorney in your area.


  • 13 Aug 2019 5:48 AM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    From the Certification Commission for Health Care Interpreters (CCHI)

    In courts and through regulatory action, the administration is vigorously working to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA). On May 24, 2019, the administration released a proposed regulation that would undermine or eliminate key protections of the ACA’s nondiscrimination provision, Section 1557, from individuals who have experienced discrimination in health care programs and settings. This Q&A by National Health Law Program attorneys Wayne Turner and Candace Gibson walks through the administration’s proposed changes to Section 1557 regulations, and what you can do to help stop the rollback of these important legal protections. The final section profiles individuals who have benefited from Section 1557 after experiencing discrimination in health care programs or settings.

    Learn More: https://app.greenrope.com/v.pl?678eaff2362e44b9cde9d610b5be6f61ece659a154c8c5bc  

  • 23 Feb 2019 12:03 PM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    Help improve access to court interpreter services for our growing diverse population and to provide training for a new wave of judges and court system personnel. Please contact your legislators to support increased funding for court interpreters. DEADLINE: FEB. 28TH

    Here are two letters we received that address this legislation:

    The first is from Bob Lichtenberg, Staff, Washington State Supreme Court Interpreter Commission. Please read and act quickly to contact your legislator and encourage them to support this funding request (it does not have a bill number, so please call it the "Interpreter Funding Request").

    Dear Members of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community of Washington State:

    This message is being sent on behalf of the Interpreter Funding Taskforce, a workgroup that was created by the Board of Judicial Administration, the Supreme Court Interpreter Commission and the Administrative Office of the Courts. The Board, the Commission and the Office of the Courts have sought for the past 6 years to have the Legislature add several million dollars more in funding to courts that pay for ASL interpreters as well as foreign language interpreters. This is a big push involving many stakeholders and your help is very much needed.

    This is important to many members of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community that depend on certified ASL interpreters to provide high-quality interpretation of court hearings in which they are involved. When courts cannot afford to have certified ASL interpreters, they try to use local interpreters who do not have court interpreting experience or proper training. The Court Interpreter Reimbursement program will provide 50% of the cost of an ODHH-certified ASL interpreter's services. This funding will increase the number of courts that are able to get this money. Right now, only 41 out of 250+ courts in WA state are able to get this money.

    In several counties in WA state, ASL ranks as one of the top 7 languages in demand for interpreter services and often courts have to hire interpreters from west of the mountains to come to a court in Eastern WA, which is a very costly expense for rural courts. This will help support the ability of these smaller courts to have high quality interpreter services.

    Thank you very much.


    Bob Lichtenberg
    WA Supreme Court Interpreter Commission, Staff

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

    Greetings Valued Partner in Justice,

    We need your support in contacting your local legislators to support increased funding for court interpreters. If you have already contacted your local legislators, please send a follow up email urging their support for the following request from the Board for Judicial Administration. Please also share this request for support with local stakeholders that would be willing to reach out to legislators.

    The judiciary is requesting $2.1 million dollars this biennium to increase funding for the state Court Interpreter Reimbursement Program. This program currently only funds 20% of courts across the state. Timely access to credentialed interpreters is vital to ensuring that Washington Courts can meet the needs of individuals with limited English proficiency and those who are hard of hearing or deaf. We want to make sure that all courts have access to effective interpreter services, especially those in rural counties.

    Please contact your local legislators from the attached list by February 25 to ask them to support increased funding for court interpreters. We know you have many demands on your time and resources. Attached is a fact sheet and sample message that can be adapted with your organization's or your personal information.

    Click the link below to access the Legislative Communication Toolkit for more background information.

    We greatly appreciate your help. Please contact Jeanne Englert at jeanne.englert@courts.wa.gov if you have questions about this legislative funding request.


    Jeanne M. Englert, MPA, MSW
    Manager, Board for Judicial Administration
    Administrative Office of the Courts / 360-705-5207

    Legislative Communication Toolkit

    Supporting Publications:

  • 21 Feb 2019 10:33 PM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    February 20, 2019

    Greetings everyone! In my first official letter to the membership since being elected WSRID president and as the recipient of the 2018 Judy Husted Member of the Year award, I wish to extend a humble “thank you” to you all.

    Many things have been happening since the beginning of the new year. I am forever grateful for the support that our Immediate Past President Paul Glaser has given, and continues to give, to WSRID. Thank You, Paul, for your dedication to the field of Sign Language Interpreting. You never cease to amaze me!

    WSRID has the mission to educate, to support, and promote the RID certification of interpreters and to inform the general public about the interpreting profession.

    Reflecting on the WSRID mission statement, I am pleased to announce that WSRID is making several changes on how we share information with the membership & the public. One of the biggest changes is the WSRID website. This has been a major project and is still being revamped by our Director Elizabeth Bass. Let's say “thank you” to Elizabeth for all her work. I invite you to check it out at wsrid.com. Revisit the website often to see how it evolves!

    Other changes within the organization involve multiple board vacancies. After the Annual Membership meeting on November 3, 2018, the Vice President position went unfilled. The new board had it's first face to face meeting in Seattle on December 1, 2018, where we unanimously voted Anna Mansell to become our new WSRID Vice President. Prior to joining the board as a director in October of 2016, Anna coordinated the Professional Development Committee-West (2014-2018) and contributed as a member of the Bylaws Committee (2016-2018). When she was appointed as VP, Anna had one year remaining on her term as a director. This meant that we as a board needed to appoint an eligible member to fill her vacated director position. Let's all share a warm welcome to newly appointed Director, Kristin Deverin! Kristin took ASL classes at Olympic College (OC) and Seattle Central Community College (SCCC). She graduated from SCCC’s ITP and did an internship at the VRS Interpreting Institute in Salt Lake City. She has been working in the community for about 6 years. Her experiences include serving as the WSRID scholarship coordinator and as a WSRID director for 2 months. Due to family needs, she relocated to San Diego. Once in San Diego, Kristin joined SDCRID (the San Diego County RID) as the bylaws committee rep and was the co-chair for the Young Professionals Interpreting Network (YPIN) committee.

    CONGRATULATIONS to Anna & Kristin!

    Very recently Director Angie O’Bleness had to resign from her re-elected position. We thank you, Angie, for your contributions to the organization and wish you well as you continue to contribute to the field of Sign Language Interpreting in other capacities.

    Currently, there are two 2-year Director positions & 1 Student Director position vacant. In the event of these vacancies, the WSRID bylaws directs us on what to do.

    Section 9. Vacancies

    D. To Fill a Vacancy: any vacancy occurring on the Board and any Board membership to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Board members shall be filled as follows:

    (1) Candidate(s) shall be nominated as per Article IV, Section 7.

    (2) If the unexpired portion of the term is not more than one (1) year, the candidate(s) shall be elected by a majority vote of the remaining Board members.

    (3) If the unexpired portion of the term is more than one (1) year, a special election shall be held within six (6) months of the vacancy occurring. The candidate(s) shall be elected by a majority vote of those eligible and voting from among the general membership.

    Watch for an announcement to be shared soon when we open the floor "online" for nominations. This will be WSRID's first attempt to hold an election electronically. This is a change voted by the membership back in 2015 at the annual business meeting in Lynnwood, WA. Instructions on how to vote will be provided after the nominations close.

    While we are on the topic of nominations. It is a privilege for me to share what some of you may have already seen online. Our very own Immediate Past President Paul Glaser is vying for the position of RID Vice President!! Please proudly join me in supporting Paul as he takes his journey in leadership to the National level. You can view the 2019 RID BoD Slate Intro at wsrid.com. While you check out the You Tube video, do also view the new look our website has and remember it is still being worked on to best fulfill the WSRID mission.

    Sincerely & Professionally,

    Caroline Allen, NIC Advanced

    President, Washington State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

    WSRID Website

    WSRID Facebook

  • 17 Feb 2019 2:56 AM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    HB 1623 2019-2020 = Concerning sign language interpreting in public schools.  
    Link: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1623&Initiative=false&Year=2019

    You can click on the links to read more about the bill and make a comment to your legislators and representatives. To read about the bill, click on "Original Bill" and a legal document will explain about the bill.  

  • 17 Feb 2019 2:55 AM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)
    HB 1604 2019-2020 = Changing the Washington State Center for Childhood Deafness to the Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth.
    Link: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1604&Initiative=false&Year=2019

    You can click on the links to read more about the bill and make a comment to your legislators and representatives. To read about the bill, click on "Original Bill" and a legal document will explain about the bill.  

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