Washington State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

Membership Benefits & Categories

WSRID is the Washington State chapter of RID (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf). RID is a national organization with a membership of over 20,000 professional interpreters, students, educators and transliterators. WSRID is one of 54 affiliates established to promote and support the mission and philosophy of the parent association.

WSRID's membership term is from January 1st to December 31st annually.

Membership in WSRID does not automatically make you a member of RID.

Benefits of Joining WSRID

Voting rights:

  • Joining WSRID first and foremost grants voting privileges at the state and national level: RID bylaws state that “In order to be a voting member of the RID, you must be a Certified or Associate member in good standing, as well as a member of an affiliate chapter.” (http://rid.org/membership/) Similarly, to be a voting member of WSRID, you must be a member of RID.


  • The online membership directory provides easy access to other members’ contact information
  • Online forum for discussion with other WSRID members, including a job posting forum
  • Opportunities for networking and mentoring; involvement in the larger community; meeting other interpreters state-wide in both professional development and fun social settings
  • Opportunities to have a voice and shape things (including legislation and policy, etc.)
  • Greater understanding and appreciation of the member’s role as a stakeholder in the community
  • WSRID Newsletter sent to you through email, (or click here for information about having the optional printed newsletter mailed to your home), as well as email updates, keeping you in the loop about important community events

Professional Development:

  • Reduced registration fees to the annual state conference and WSRID workshops
  • Other RID affiliate chapters may offer "reciprocity" (pay member rates) if taking workshops out of state
  • Scholarship opportunities for testing (up to two for $150 each)
  • A lending library of DVDs, CDs and videotapes mailed for free to your home

Professional Pride & Responsibility:

  • Increased awareness as a newer interpreter of the history and communal effort required to bring us to this place
  • Leadership opportunities via the board or committees; satisfaction in knowing you have had a part in helping your organization thrive
  • Being an active part of your organization; contributing to its health

Membership Categories:

WSRID recognizes 6 categories of membership below, plus an additional affiliate chapter membership opportunity.

Certified: $60/year (Waived thru 2/28/2025)

Individuals holding current RID certification as awarded through the National Testing System. RID has established a process of certifying interpreters on the basis of an examination by a board of evaluators. More information on the certifications that RID currently recognizes can be found at http://rid.org/education/testing/index.cfm/AID/44.

Associate: $40/year (Waived thru 2/28/2025)

Individuals engaged in interpreting or transliterating but not holding RID certification.

Student: $10/year (Waived thru 2/28/2025)

Any non-certified individual currently enrolled in a course of study in interpretation of American Sign Language and/or English. An instructor's signature is required to verify this status.

Retired: $10/year (Waived thru 2/28/2025)

A Certified member who upon reaching the age of 55 or older elects to retire from working as an interpreter. Does not include eligibility to vote.

Supporting: $35/year (Waived thru 2/28/2025)

Individuals who support WSRID but are not engaged in interpreting. Does not include eligibility to vote.

Organizational: $35/year (Waived thru 2/28/2025)

Organizations and agencies that support WSRID. Includes reduced event registration fee for one individual per event selected by the organization. Does not include eligibility to vote.

Other Affiliate Chapter (OAC): Free

Members of other RID state chapters (such as ORID) or AVLIC. Membership with other Affiliate Chapter will be confirmed annually. Does not include eligibility to vote.


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