2018 WSRID BoardFrom left-right, back-front: Paul Glaser, Tami Berk, Mark Hoshi, Elizabeth Bass, Anna Mansell Karagiannis, Sarah Hafer, Caroline Allen, Paula Bazinet, Jenny Henn, & Stacey Bright [Not pictured: Angie O'Bleness]
Officers:President Paul GlaserPaul Glaser, MSE, CDI, is the first Deaf president in his second term in WSRID history. Before that position, he was a WSRID director and treasurer for several years. Paul was the co-chair for the 2018 RID Region V Conference. Paul has CDI certification from RID and is a professional development specialist at Sorenson Communications. Paul was a high school and college math instructor for Deaf students for over ten years. He has a teaching certificate in advanced mathematics, deaf education, and American Sign Language. Outside of his teaching, for over 20 years, Paul has been interpreting for Deaf/DeafBlind people, presenting various workshops, and mentoring interpreters. He has a bachelor's degree in math and communication studies from Gallaudet University and a master's degree in deaf education from Rochester Institute of Technology. When he can, Paul enjoys traveling, collecting National Park Service stamps, photography, drinking different kinds of coffee, and playing Phase 10, Wii U's Mario Kart, and Scattergories. Vice-President Sarah Hafer (& Bebe)Sarah Hafer has an educational background in and extensive work experience related to ASL linguistics research. She also been teaching ASL for a span of over 20 years. Sarah currently works as a freelance CDI and she enjoys giving workshops on ASL linguistics and social justice topics from time to time. For her baccalaureate degree, she graduated with honors in Linguistics with a concentration in Signed Language Studies and minored in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at the University of New Mexico. She earned her Masters in Interpreting Studies degree program from Western Oregon University. Having grown up in a tiny farm town in Idaho, living and playing in the lush environment of the Pacific Northwest has been her calling. Secretary Caroline AllenCaroline Allen completed her second term as a director and is deeply honored to now be serving as secretary. Born & raised in Spokane, Washington, she has great pride that ASL is her first language due to both parents being Deaf. Her professional career started as a community interpreter in 1989 and she feels her proudest professional accomplishment was when she became nationally certified by RID in 2008. Caroline has been actively involved in many projects, presenting at the Deaf Teen Leadership Camp and the annual ASL StoryTelling event in Spokane. When she is not focused on interpreting, she really enjoys being a grandmother to her grandkids and a daughter to the sweetest Deaf person she knows. Treasurer Paula BazinetPaula Bazinet, NIC, SC:L, Ed:K-12, from Kennewick is honored and excited to be continuing her work on the WSRID Board of Directors. Paula sees her membership on the Board as a way to give back to the Deaf and Interpreting communities who have taught her so much and who continue to allow her to have such a rewarding and exciting career. Paula has a bachelor's degree in business & social work, and is the former executive director of the SouthEastern Washington Service Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (2006-2010). It is her work in that role that has prepared her to serve as our current treasurer. In her rare free time, Paula enjoys traveling with her family, crocheting, and reading. Deaf or DeafBlind Community Member-at-Large Mark HoshiMark Hoshi is the Deaf/DeafBlind Community Representative Member at Large for WSRID. He is a former ASL instructor at SCCC and is formerly RSC (now called CDI) certified. Mark previously served three or four terms as a director on the WSRID board in ’80 and early ’90. He is also a staunch supporter of interpreter’s process and growth and demands professional integrity and continuous self-assessment. In addition, Mark is a licensed commercial electrician and currently serves as a chairperson for TADA! He enjoys surfing, fishing, camping, traveling, concerts, and reading his NOOK. Mark runs the children’s program at the Deaf Family Retreat (Ellensburg) and is a senior facilitator for the Deaf Teen Leadership camp at CISPUS... last but not least... he has been to over 125 Grateful Dead shows. Directors:Elizabeth BassAs a Navy wife and mother, Elizabeth had the opportunity to experience many different “mini” careers, mainly involving art, computers, and (believe it or not) mechanics. A new opportunity presented itself every time her husband transferred to a new duty station. These experiences have worked together to give her a unique background. After graduating ITP in 2011, Elizabeth went to work at the Deaf-Blind Service Center to increase her language and cultural experience while using her previous office and Braille skills to support the DeafBlind community she dearly loves. In 2015, she started working as an educational interpreter in the Yakima School District. She looks forward to what the future holds as a wife, mom, grammie; and, as an interpreter and friend to the Deaf/DeafBlind Community! Anna Mansell KaragiannisAnna Mansell Karagiannis, NIC, is thrilled to be joining the WSRID Board! A Wisconsin native, Anna graduated from the University of Minnesota with a BFA in painting, and learned ASL. Years later, she attended ITP at Seattle Central Community College, graduating in 2013. She has enjoyed working with the Seattle Deaf and DeafBlind communities ever since. Anna has been working with WSRID for the past 3 years on the Professional Development Committee, and recently, with the Bylaws Committee. When not working or volunteering, Anna enjoys trying new food and restaurants, spending time with friends and family, and traveling. Video greeting by Anna pending... Stacey BrightStacey graduated from Spokane Falls Community College in 2015 with an AA in interpreting. She has been interpreting in the K-12 setting for almost 3 years. Before she joining the wonderful world of interpreting, she started out going to school for nursing; however, after a while… she realized that nursing was not for her. That’s when Stacey started to make the change to interpreting. She is excited to join the WSRID team as a director and to be able to give back to the Deaf community and the interpreting field. Stacey currently lives in Burbank, WA with her two beautiful daughters and loving husband, as well as two very playful dogs and a snuggly cat… and we can’t forget about the cow and chickens. In her free time, Stacey enjoys being with her family. She is very excited to be part of WSRID team and seeing all the wonderful things that are to come.Video greeting by Stacey pending... Tami BerkTami is from Seattle, born and raised here, and currently lives in South Seattle. She loves to do anything that is outdoors - hiking, backpacking, gardening, first aid, Frisbee, and campfires - indoors or out! She has 2 children, Jonathan and Celia, both in their early 20’s. They grew up around the Deaf and DeafBlind communities here. This is Tami’s 2nd experience on the WSRID Board. The first was about 15 years ago and both have been very positive. She has time and energy available right now and is very happy to be working with such wonderful folks! Tami became involved in the Deaf and DeafBlind communities thanks to her Deaf brother, Brandon. While she now works as a freelance interpreter, the point of her journey has always been communication. She is forever grateful for this gift to her brother and to the amazing community that has become her family. Angie O'BlenessAngie O'Bleness is excited for the opportunity to serve on the board of WSRID as Director. Angie has her BA in interpreting from the University of Northern Colorado and is currently working on her MA in Interpreting Studies through Western Oregon University. She is certified through the alternate pathway of RID: K-12 and has interpreted for over 27 years in a variety of settings ranging from Broadway performance interpreting, VRS, K-12, to post secondary. Angie currently teaches at the Spokane Falls Community College. She loves to read and spend time with her husband and 2 children and thinks about exercising from time to time. We have one director position and the student director position available. |