2021 WSRID Board(From left-right, top to bottom: Anna Mansell-Karagiannis, Elizabeth Bass, Mark Hoshi, Gabby Hopkinson, Caroline Allen, Claudia Kienholz, Paula Bazinet, Rhesa Durgin, Michelle Miles, & Kristin Deverin) "The Board members of WSIRD are committed to action that will promote and ensure equity and inclusion of all diverse people, and we know this is not possible until we can ensure that racism has no presence in our organization. We strive to work in partnership with organizations and individuals who share these same priorities, and we welcome the participation of all members in this process." Equity Commitment Statement WSRID Officers:President Anna Mansell Karagiannis
Vice President Kristin Deverin
Secretary Elizabeth Bass
Treasurer Paula Bazinet
Deaf/DeafBlind Community Member-at-Large Gabby Hopkinson
Immediate Past President Caroline AllenCurrent office term: JAN 2021 – DEC 2022 WSRID Directors:Claudia Kienholz
Mark Hoshi
Michelle Miles
Rhesa Durgin
Student Director [position vacant]Are you currently an ITP student or do you know one? If so, consider inquiring about this position for next year! |